Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Bits and bobs
Pic from www.amazon.co.uk

Tapping into Wealth: How Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Can Help you Clearing the Path to Making More Money by Margaret Lynch

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as Tapping, has become a popular tool for realising goals and/or clearing deep seated traumas & pain.
One very common aspiration is to flourish career-wise and (consequently) finances. Limiting beliefs and fears however keep people stuck in their current financial status. EFT uses the fingertips to tap on acupuncture points while emotionally tuning in to negative attitudes and past experiences, allowing people to transform their thoughts and feelings.

I was curious about the use of tapping to clear money blocks so decided to buy a copy of this book. It took me a while to work my way through it and then complete the exercises in every chapter (a LOT of tapping!).

For a “non-author” Lynch has produced a very good book with the assistance of D. D. Schwartz.
Lynch teaches people how to harness the power of Tapping to identify and clear the blocks to prosperity and is clearly very very passionate about helping people; this comes across clearly from both reading this book and watching her in action.

Pic from www.eftuniverse.com
She clearly demonstrates in this book (and videos) that she can communicate difficult messages that are both challenging and inspiring to the general average reader to address their personal money paradigm which are not serving them well.

There are tapping scripts throughout, and free-to-access accompanying web videos for each chapter.

If you do pick up a copy you really do need not just read it but complete the exercises, possibly more than once. Take your time, undertake the exercises and go back as many times as you need to, until you absorb the messages and insights fully.
Remember, knowledge is not power, it only potential power until you use it :-).
Keep the book close-to-hand, and keep tapping; you and your bank account will thank me for it (well Margaret really).

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