Wednesday, 10 August 2016

People stuff
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How do you command gravitas at work?

Interesting question and dilemma for many.

There are a few recognised leadership types worth mentioning:
- Commander type, this style is all about leading from the front and motivating people with high visibility and impact (some examples include Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy and Richard Branson);
- Value-led type, this style taps into an ideology that captures hearts and minds (example Martin Luther King and Mao Zedong);
- Quiet type, this concept is more modern and works around bringing cohesion and loyalty but with gravitas (examples Abraham Lincoln and Ghandi).

It is important to remember though that, whatever leadership style you would like to adopt/model yourself into, you need to be clear and confident about who you are and be authentic, it does have to "ring true".

"Charisma or personal presence is not so much about what qualities you have  but about what other people think you have".
So paint a picture that you team can believe in, a compelling vision that makes them believe and feel they can achieve more; try to understand what is their mood and connect, pay attention to others and make them feel valued.

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